Mungojerrie squinted as the wind cut at his eyes. The cat figure was growing as he pushed onward. The cat figure collapsed, so Mungojerrie quickened his oace. The wind blew violently at the cat'c fur. Mungo looked down apon the fallen black cat. He turned him over for recognition. The white familiar face caused Mungo to throw himself aopn his friend.
'Misto!' Misto blinked his already opened eyes. He said nothing, but shivered. Mungo pushed himself up and looked down at the Conjurer. His blood stained muzzle, chest and paws trembled beneath him.
'Er ye okay?' The orange tiger shook Quaxo when he closed his eyes. Mungo looked around. No sign of the car. He carefully - and difficultly - picked up the magical cat. He gazed at the ground, searching for his recent paw prints. The wind had pushed the powdered water into them, but Mungo could still see them. He stomped on, back to the shelter he and Teazer had found. He reached the car and sat Misto down near the hole under the door. He pushed the rug, which they placed there to prevent the wind from entering, out of the way and crawled through.
'Ye bettah me Mungo!' Rumpelteazer threatened. Mungo held up his paws in surrender.
'It's o'tay, Teazah! It's me!' She smiled and planted a relieved kiss on his lips. He would of prolonged the kiss, but he remembered their formerly missing friend outside. He pulled away from Rumpelteazer and dissapeared under the door once more. She stuck our her lips, poutingly. Mungojerrie grabbed Mistoffelees' battered arm and pulled him in slowly and carefully. Rumpelteazer smile when she saw him return, but returned to a frown when she saw the Jellicles' Conjurer, out cold in Mungo's arms.
'Mistoffelees!' She lept to their aid and helped make him comfortable on the back seat. She quickly recovered the hole with the rug, which immediatly stopped the whistling of the wind.
'W'at 'appened to 'im?' She ashed, pulling a tattered, but warm blanket over him. Mungojerrie shook his soaked mane.
'I dun'no. 'e looks real 'hurt. An' 'e's the only one 'oo could 'eal 'im.' Teazer cleaned Quaxo's blood matted fur and turned to Mungojerrie when she finished.
'I'm gon'na go an' get Munkustrap. 'e'll wan'na know 'bout tis.' She loyally waited for his approval.
'No, Teazah. It's real bad out 'tere. This is ta worst storm I eva' seen. And I'm sure it's ta same fur the Jellic'ol Junkuark even!' He paused to glanse at Mistoffelees. 'We shou' at least wait until the storm set'ols down a bit.' The female theif sighed and climed down in the fron tseat, where they had laid previously. She bi ther lip and tapped the arm of the seat, showing her boredome. Her eye caught something shiney dangling around the Conjurer's beck. She restrained herself from leaping at it and grinned. Mungo peered at her through the corner of his eye and back at Misto. She giggled and immediatly bit her lip to prevent it. Too late. Mungojerrie heard his mate's muffled amusement and turned curiously toward her.
'What, Teazah?' He hissed playfully through gritted teeth. Her eyes traveled to the rusting ceiling and whistled mindlessly. The size of his hazel eyes lessened as he pretended to be irritated with her.
'Teazah?!?' He repeated. She grinned at him and continued her ignorance. Then, he pounced her. She lept out of the way into the next seat, causing him to tumble to the floor. Not waiting for him to retrieve his footing and stand, she batted and pulled on his ears. He howled in mock ander and reached up. He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to the ground with him. Surprising the orange and yellow tabbied Queen, he was able to force her fully to the ground beneath him. She struggled to squeeze out from under his massive weight, but his claws unsheathed slightly and brushed against the fur on her sides. She wriggled helplessly as he swept the claws lightly, but quickly across her stomache and sides. She howled with laughter, tears forming in her eyes. Her paw shot into the air.
'A'ight! A'ight! I su'rendah! Just please stop!' She breathed difficultly. Mungojerrie ceased, retracted his claws and smoothed down the rumpled orange fur coolly. Teazer smiled in relief, panting hard along with Mungojerrie. Her chest heaved, then she writhed beneath him and the smile faded.
'Mungo! I con' breathe!' She spat, pain in her face. Mungo jumped to the seat, releasing the pressure from Rumpelteazer. She took a couple deep breaths, then threw her arms atound her mate, covering him with kisses and licks. He did the same to her and they both broke into a rhythmic purr. Teazer stopped and buried her head in Mungojerrie's fur. Their eyes closed together and again they purred in each other's arms. Rumpelteazer felt herself drifting to sleep, and snapped her eyes open. She raised her head to look at the object around Quaxo's neck. It still gleamed brightly. Gleamed? She crawled out of Mungojerrie's arms and peered out the window. Sure enough, the wind had stopped and the moon shined blue between a set of clouds. Teazer stopped shivering and remembered the shining object. She slithered towards the Conjurer and looked at his throat. Around his neck hung a blue ebony diamond. Rumeplteazer licked her lips and reached our for the gorgeous treasure. A quick sharp slap caused her to recoil and rub her paw protectively.
'Teazah...'e's er friend, an' he's 'ert. Leave 'im be!' Mungojerrie growled, not meanly, but to make Teazer understand. She flared out her lips in dissapointement and slunk to the ground behind Misto's seat. Mungo was about to do the same in front of his seat, when Rumpelteazer jumped up suddenly and ran to the door.
'Wat now, Teazah?'
'Ta' Storm. It stopped.' She turned to her mate. 'I'll go an' get Munkustrap now.' She, again, waited for his approval. Mungo sighed.
'Fine. Go ge' 'im. But be careful. I love ye, Teazah.' He planted a kiss on her nose, smiled and she disappeared behind the rug. Mungojerrie turned when he heard Mistoffelees groan.
'Oh, ye'er awake.' Mungo picked up a "pillow" and placed it behind his friend's head. 'How'do ye feel?' The Conjurer closed his eyes and moaned painfully as he shifted his wait.
'Not so good.' He confessed. He managed to pull his paw out from under the blanket. It was soaked in blood. *I taught Teazah cleaned 'im* Then Mungo looked up in horror. He threw the blanket off of Misto. A dark red spot soaked his fur from his hip to his under-arm. All Mungojerrie could do was stare wide-eyed. Misto grunted discomfort. Snapping the orange tabby out of his fear and sorrow, he searched for a pile of papers - or so humans called it papertowels - which he found. He applied them to Quaxo's still bleeding wound, trying deperately to stop it from spreading.