Demeter moaned aggrivation. Despite her efforts, she could come to let herself sleep.
'It's alrighty my love. Sillus will be alright.' Munkustrap tried to console his Queen. She stared blankly at him.
'What about Jemima?'
'Well, yes, Jemima will be okay, too. I just thou...'
'Just because Jem isn't my daughter, she's yours and my niece.'
'Demy, calm down. I know you care. I was just saying that I'm sure Jemima will make sure her sister is alright.' Munkustrap put his paws on her shoulders. Demeter burstr into tears. 'I'm so sorry, Munk! I'm just so worried...I'm gonna go crazy!' Munkustrap kissed her lightly on the forehead and pulled her closely to his breast. She sobbed into his fur. They snapped to attention when someone burst through the curtain, sounding hysterical.
'Teazer, what's wrong?' Demeter said to the yellow tabby, greatful for the destraction. Rumpelteazer waited to catch her breath.
'Misto's bock, but 'e's 'urt bad!' Munkustrap stood tall.
'Take us to him.' Teazer nodded and led them back to tha car.
Mungojerrie freaked when Mistoffelees began to blink and hyperventalate uncontrollably. Mungo didn't know what to do. He grabbed his friend and shook him violently, but the convulsions continued. The black and orange tabby breathed a sigh of relief when Misto's frail form fell to the bed, his chest heaving.
'Quaxo?' He whispered. The Conjurer swallowed difficultly and opened his eyes. His lips parted, but no waords escaped. Mungojerrie waited patiently. Misto turned his head, pain showing in his face and looked at the Jellicle thief.
'Help...' he gurgled. He paused to swallow. Pain seared through his whole being. 'Put my paws on the wound. Please.' Mungojerrie immediatly somplied. Quaxo nodded his thanks and closed his eyes, concentrating hard. Mungo stared in awe as the blue orbed light floated mystically around the Conjurer's paw, and then his whole torso. Though he had seen this many times before it amazed Mungo every time. Quaxo's harsh breathing soon turned into slow steady heaves. The wound eased together, sealing and finally the blood desipated. The black Tom laid peaceful, a smile of final relaxation crossing his lips. He sat up suddenly when he heard the rug frlop across the floor. Up popped the yellow head of the female thief, followed by the rust calico and silver tabby. Demeter ran to Misto, embracing him as if he'd been dead. He grunted in pain.
'Oh, I'm Mistoffelees. Are you alright?'
'Yea, 'e's a'ight. 'e just 'ealed 'imself. 'twas amazin'!' Mungojerrie nodded at his magical friend.
'Mungo, you've seen it before.' The rusty Queen reminded him.
'Yeah, but I'll have to heal a little on the inside on my own.' Munkustrap walked over to the Conjurer and laid a heavy paw apon his shoulder.
'At least you're and you can rest.' Misto shook his head slightly at the Keeper of the Kittens. 'I know 'bout Abri and the rest of the Kittens. I have to find them - especially her.' He tried to stand, holding his side in pain, but Munkustrap help up a steady paw, preventing him from even leaning forward.
'You're not going anywhere. What happened, anyway?' The questionable look on the silver and black tabby's face just made Quaxo want to get it over with.
'It was that damned Macavity. He wanted me to use my magic to steal a bergundy ruby (which Teazer had her eye on). I refused, so he slapped this on me.' He pointed to the ebony jewel. 'Which prevents protective, defensive magic, and threw me around. Then Bacchus, ' he growled at the name, 'also showed up and tried to kill me. I fought back, so he decided to set me up with that pretty grousom wound and cast me out into the snow.
'That's when Mungo here found me.' The four Jellicles stared blankly at his descriptive narrative. Mistoffelees managed to stand, pushing Munkustrap out of the way. Munk opened his mouth to speal, but the Tuxedo cat cut him short.
'I have to, Munkustrap. I love her.'
'But she's only a kitten.' Quaxo shook his head dismissively.
'Doesn't matter. I do, and I have to help my friends.' Misto was very persistant, so the soon-to-be Jellicle Leader argued no more.
'Fine. 'm goin' wit ya, Quax.' Mungo chimed in. Misto nodded approval.
'OK, so we'll stay here in case anyone returns.' Munkustrap relaxed in the car, Demy curled around him and Rumpelteazer slouched idly in the front seat, pouting at the male thief. He kissed her on the forehead and turned to follow the magical Jellicle.
'Be careful.' Munkustrap warned. Mungojerrie bowed as he dissapeared through the hole. Outside, he looked around aimlessly.
' ya know where day are?' Misto just nodded.
'Yes. Faulter Hills.' He trampled on through the now, with the orange and black tabby trailing not far behind.